Reference Form

Thank you for filling out this reference form!

  • The applicant named above is applying to a Camp Tawonga leadership program.

    Counselor/Specialist in-Training: Participants spend four weeks in an intensive kid-focused training learning new skills for working with children and each other. The program is also enhanced by opportunities and responsibilities to use their newly acquired knowledge to work with younger campers.

    This program can be a very challenging experience – physically, intellectually and emotionally – that have direct impact on younger campers and the broader Camp community. Please help us to make a determination about the applicant’s suitability for participation by responding to the following questions:

  • Applicant Ratings

  • Please comment on the following using a scale of 1-5 where 1= poor; 2= below average; 3= average; 4= good; 5=superior.

  • Your Contact Information

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