Supervisor Positions
Supervisor positions are crucial leadership roles for people who have prior camp experience or other relevant supervision experience. All department supervisors attend required pre-Camp leadership development and supervision training May 22 – May 31, 2025 unless otherwise noted, and work through August 9. Please pay close attention to the dates for each supervisor position; while most supervisor dates are May 22– August 9, 2025, various roles require additional pre-camp training (full contract dates are listed below for each position). Almost all positions at Tawonga include long, active days where it is normal to walk 4-8 miles between staff housing, communally shared meals and various locations where work responsibilities occur. Staff live in shared, rustic staff housing.
Camper Management
Summer Assistant Director
(2 positions: $9900. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Work with the directors, assistant directors, and department heads to supervise and run the day-to-day operations of camp. Supervise up to three departments and help develop programs. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. College degree (or equivalent) and 5 yrs. camp experience required, LGT and WFR encouraged. For more information please email
Unit Head
(6.5 positions: $6210, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Responsible for managing 4-5 camper cabins and supervising an Assistant Unit Head, 10-12 Bunk Counselors, and 2-4 Unit Counselors. Meet with Assistant Unit Head daily and maintain open communication about staff and campers in the unit. Create all-unit programs, including Kabbalat Shabbat, and help develop Camp-wide events. Train counselors, observe staff on a daily basis, hold formal and informal check-ins with staff on a regular basis, and write a formal evaluation for each staff member you supervise 3 times over the summer. Serve as a member of the supervisor management team and attend daily management team meetings. Supervise night-time staff from 10pm-12am 5-6 times a summer. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Great communication skills, ability to multi-task and prioritize tasks, college degree (or equivalent) and 3 yrs. residential camp experience required. Graduate training in a related field or social work experience helpful.
Assistant Unit Head
(6 positions: entry level supervisor $5355, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Support Unit Head with managing 4-5 camper cabins and supervising 10-12 Bunk Counselors, and 2-4 Unit Counselors. Responsible for: training counselors, counselor supervision, unit programming, camper management, counselors’ daily schedule, and organizing camper electives. Meet with Unit Head daily and maintain open communication about staff and campers in the unit. Observe staff on a daily basis, hold formal and informal check-ins with staff on a regular basis, and write a formal evaluation for each staff member you supervise 3 times over the summer. Serve as a member of the supervisor management team and attend meetings twice a week. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Great communication skills, ability to multi-task and prioritize tasks, 2 yrs. college (or equivalent) and previous residential camp experience required.
Specialist & Counselor In-Training (SCIT) Program Supervisor
(2 positions: $3600 for 6 weeks, more DOE. Training dates for this position are May 22 – June 8 and program dates are June 8 – July 4.) All responsibilities of SCIT Staff plus responsible for managing and supervising SCIT program and SCIT leaders. Create SCIT programs, including a week of training, and help develop Camp-wide events. Determine SCIT assignments and coach SCIT staff on how to observe and give feedback to SCITs. Serve as a member of the supervisor management team. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. College degree (or equivalent) and 3 yrs. camp experience required. Graduate training or social work experience is helpful. Supervision, teaching (formal or informal), and Tawonga Unit Head experience helpful.
Teen Leadership Institute Supervisor
(2 positions: $4025 for 6 weeks. Training dates for this position are May 22 – June 8 and program dates are July 6 – August 3.) Co-supervise 6 staff for the Teen Leadership Institute (TLI) program. Oversee three weeks of travel, service projects, leadership training, team-building and outdoor adventures followed by one week at Tawonga. Follow and support the physical and emotional wellbeing of all TLI campers on the trip. Facilitate experiential learning sessions about environmentalism and climate change, Jewish ethics, leadership, communal responsibility, communication, social justice and more. Responsible for risk management and all logistics on the road. Serves as contact and liaison with vendors and outfitters on the road, conducting calls in the days leading up to each program/activity. WFR and Lifeguard Certification preferred. Tawonga experience strongly preferred.
Teen Leadership Institute Trip Director
(1 position: $5865 for 6 weeks. Training dates for this position are May 22 – June 8 and program dates are July 6 – August 3.) Oversee the all components of the Teen Leadership Institute (TLI) program including but not limited to: Managing and supporting TLI supervisors and program staff, following and supporting the physical and emotional wellbeing of all TLI campers, direct all risk management and on the road logistics including serving as main contact for all vendors and outfitters on the road conducting calls in the days leading up to each program/activity. WFR and Lifeguard Certification preferred. Tawonga experience strongly preferred.
Lead Nanny
(1 position: $5355. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Supervise a team of up to 7 nannies. Responsibilities include: daily observations of nanny team, mid-session check-ins, two written evaluations for each nanny throughout the summer, and overseeing and leading trainings for nannies. Provide daily communication with Camp parents, manage daily nanny coverage and activity schedule, help plan and lead activities, provide time off coverage to other nannies, help with more challenging children and more. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Experience working with babies, toddlers, and children required. 2 years of camp experience or equivalent, 1 year of college or equivalent encouraged.
Program Area Supervisors
Culinary Program Supervisor
(1 position: $5100 for summer (weekly rates before and after summer). March 1–November 14, 2025.) The Culinary Program Supervisor will oversee Tawonga’s brand new Garden Kitchen, where they will facilitate a farm-to-table cooking experience for participants that meets Tawonga’s mission. The Culinary Program Supervisor will develop and implement the curriculum with an emphasis on culinary skills, sustainability and cultural learning for groups of 12-24 children and adults. They will also supervise one Culinary Program Assistant, providing professional mentorship and management. This role is hybrid, and will be partly remote, and partly based in-person at Camp Tawonga in Groveland. See complete job description for details on the role and responsibilities. Send applications to with Culinary Program Supervisor in the subject line. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, and Tawonga is seeking to hire for this position as soon as possible.
Head of Programming
(1 position: $5840 entry level, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Coordinate all-camp programs, lead creative bunk programming, assist Unit Heads with unit programming, support camp A/V needs and supervise Program Assistants. Supervise team of 4-5 program specialists and oversee and lead training for programming team. Support and coordinate collaboration between specialist departments. Responsibilities include: daily observations of the programming team, regular check-ins with staff, and writing formal evaluations for staff twice throughout the summer. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Activity/event coordination experience required, Tawonga Unit Head experience a plus.
Jewish Program Director
(1 position: $5840, significantly more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Oversee Jewish programming at camp and develop and lead creative camp-wide Shabbat programs. Supervise team of 2 Jewish programming specialists and oversee and lead trainings for team. Responsibilities include: daily observations of team, regular check-ins with staff, and writing formal evaluations for staff twice throughout the summer. Facilitate discussions on Jewish topics with bunk groups. Lead weekly Jewish programming for all units and assist with weekly Shabbat morning Torah services. Help to prepare units for their Kabbalat Shabbat programs. Creative programming, storytelling, meditation, yoga, art, and music skills are all assets. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Supervision and Jewish education experience required.
Head of Waterfront
(1 position: $4850, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Train and supervise a team of 6 lifeguards, lifeguard at a beautiful Olympic-sized pool, the Tuolumne River and small lake. Responsibilities include: daily observations of the team, regular check-ins with staff, and writing formal evaluations for staff twice throughout the summer. Create and lead fun water games at the pool for campers. Hike with groups to river areas as safety monitor and lifeguard. Uncover pool covers every morning and recover pool covers every evening. Create lifeguard schedules, conduct weekly safety drills and lifeguard training, evaluate and conduct performance reviews for the waterfront team. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Current lifeguard certification required, Lifeguard Instructor Certification preferred.
Head of Arts and Crafts
(1 position: $4700, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Supervise team of 4 Arts & Crafts specialists and oversee and lead training for team. Responsibilities include: daily observations of the team, regular check-ins with staff, and writing formal evaluations for staff twice throughout the summer. Instruct: tie-dye, candle making, copper enameling, ceramics (hand building and electric wheel), silk painting, Jewish crafts, print making, lanyards, and more. Develop new Arts and Crafts programs and document them for future use. Organize and clean all supplies and equipment daily. Other duties: distribute pack-out supplies, operate kiln firings, and participate in unit activities. Schedule staff, oversee the department and order supplies. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing.
Head Songleader
(1 position: $4700, significantly more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.)The Head Songleader is the leader of the Music Department at Camp. Songleaders bring music to camp in many different ways including but not limited to leading all camp song sessions and activity blocks with bunks of campers. Each bunk will be of a shared age which can range from around 8-17 years old. Songleaders can expect to lead multiple activity blocks a day as well as supporting Jewish Programming with their activity blocks. As well as musical programming Songleaders will be called upon to support with bunk coverage and other all camp activities. The head songleader will manage other songleaders, supporting in their development as musicians and activity leaders. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing.
Wilderness & Adventure Supervisors
Backpacking and Quest Supervisor
(2 positions, $7015, more DOE. Preferred start date Early May (option to begin remotely, position end date August 9.). Includes on site pre-camp supervisor training and Wilderness Staff training week May 22 – May 27.) Train, supervise, and support a team of 18-20 wilderness staff in the following program areas: 1-2 night backpacking trips, multi-week teen adventure Quests, risk management, group facilitation, and Leave No Trace. Coordinate and schedule backpacking trips and troubleshoot Quest logistics as needed. Facilitate interdepartmental collaboration with the Kitchen, Health Center, Unit Heads and others depending on need. Liaise with local parks departments and rangers. Respond to emergencies in the field. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Must be 21+ with current Wilderness First Responder or WEMT and Lifeguard certifications. Prior Tawonga Wilderness Leader experience preferred.
Teva Supervisor/Lead Teva Naturalist
(1 position, $5100, more DOE. Preferred start date Early May (option to begin remotely, position end date August 9.). Includes on-site pre-camp supervisor training and Wilderness Staff training week of May 22 – May 27.) Train, supervise, and support wilderness staff and Teva naturalists in facilitating engaging nature and land-based programming for children ages 8-16. Create a curriculum of activity blocks focused on fostering a connection to nature, Jewish values of community and caring for the world, and a connection to food, land and farming. Activity blocks range from garden cooking, salve making, and nature art, to discussions on food justice and sustainable farming. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Depending on prior experience, respond to emergencies in the field. Must be 21+ with current Lifeguard certifications. Prior naturalist experience preferred.
Challenge Course Manager
(1 position: $5840, significantly more DOE. Preferred start date Early May (option to begin remotely). Includes on site pre-camp supervisor training and Wilderness Staff training week May 22 – May 27, and ideally weekend programs through October). Supervise the challenge course and challenge course facilitators. Lead week-long training for facilitators covering local operating procedures, sequencing, debriefing, facilitating games and initiatives. Facilitate groups through low and high elements of our adventure challenge course. Teach belaying and maintain a physically and emotionally safe environment. Inspect and maintain equipment and elements throughout summer. Excellent leadership and facilitation skills required; experience with children required; prior challenge course facilitation experience required. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing. Project Adventure Advanced Standards and Skills certification or equivalent leading-edge climbing/rescue training required (Tawonga will reimburse for training if you do not already possess it). Prior supervision experience preferred. ACCT practitioner certification preferred. Must be 21+ with current First Aid and CPR.
Farm and Garden Supervisor
(1 position: $5100 for summer (weekly rates before and after summer), Summer Dates, including on site pre-camp supervisor training and Wilderness Staff training week: May 22nd – August 9th. Full Season: April 1 – October 20) Cultivate Tawonga’s vegetable and ornamental garden using organic farming practices. Care for goats and chickens, including feeding, watering, mucking, coordinating veterinary care, and facilitating humane educational programs with animals and campers. Supervise a Farm and Garden Specialist and support Teva Supervisor and Naturalists. Collaborate with Teva Naturalists and Wilderness Leaders to facilitate engaging farm and garden programming for children ages 8-16, fostering with campers a connection to nature, Jewish values of sustainability and caring for the world, and a connection to food, land and farming. Collaborate with Tawonga’s year round Buildings and Ground team. Live and work at camp for six months from garden prep to shutdown, with up to three weeks of remote work before and after camp to allow for planning and program development. Must be able to navigate over 4-8 miles of uneven terrain to different program areas around camp daily. Live in shared housing.
Kitchen Supervisors
Assistant Kitchen Manager
(2 positions: $7800, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9) Assist and support the Kitchen Manager in the daily management of the Tawonga Kitchen. Supervise 3-4 Kitchen Supervisors – providing regular feedback, support and evaluations. Work closely with Kitchen Supervisors and Prep Cooks, collaborating, communicating and helping with the smooth running of kitchen shifts. Be a part of the Camp Management Team and be a general liaison between the Kitchen, the rest of Camp and the Director Team. The Assistant Kitchen Manager will be assigned 2-3 shifts as a Lead Cook each week, orchestrating 3-5 people including tone setting, time management, assigning tasks to Prep Cooks and working alongside them to execute meal preparation, service and clean-up. Live in shared, rustic staff housing, Must have professional cooking experience and enjoy working closely with others. Experience in the Tawonga kitchen is a plus.
Lead Cook
(3 positions: $7025, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9) Lead Cooks are assigned to one of three shifts, six days of the week – AM, PM or Snack Shift. Shifts contain 3-5 people and the Lead’s role includes tone setting, time management, assigning tasks to Prep Cooks, providing supervision and coaching to Prep Cooks and working alongside them to execute meal preparation, service and clean-up. In addition to leading shifts, each Lead Cook is part of our Kitchen Supervisor Team, which meets weekly to discuss how the kitchen is running, support one another and share in supporting our Prep Cooks. Live in shared, rustic staff housing. Must have professional cooking experience and enjoy working very closely with others.
Alternative Foods Cook
(3 positions: $6750, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9) Alternative Foods Cooks are assigned to one of two shifts, six days of the week – AM or PM. Responsible for preparing all vegetarian, vegan, and other restricted dietary alternatives for each meal (50-150 servings). Shifts can contain 1-2 people and the Alternative Foods Cook’s role includes tone setting, time management, assigning tasks to Prep Cooks, providing supervision and coaching to Prep Cooks and working alongside them to execute meal preparation, service and clean-up. The Alternative Foods Kitchen is also responsible for packing all food for meals eaten outside of the dining hall, for example, food for food related activity blocks and food for bunk backpacking trips.. Must be extremely well organized and have excellent communication skills. In addition to leading shifts, each Lead Cook is part of our Kitchen Supervisor Team, which meets weekly to discuss how the kitchen is running, support one another and share in supporting our Prep Cooks. Live in shared, rustic staff housing. Must have professional cooking experience and enjoy working very closely with others.
Pantry Cook
(1 position: $6210 more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9) The Pantry Cook is responsible for many aspects behind the scenes of the Tawonga Kitchen. Responsibilities can include, but are not limited to, receiving and storing away large delivery orders, keeping all back of house storage areas clean and organized at all times, preparing daily snacks between meal times for campers, kitchen and camper laundry.The Pantry Cook will be scheduled six days of the week, with both AM and PM shift start times. Shifts contain 1-2 people and the Pantry Cook’s role includes tone setting, time management, assigning tasks to Prep Cooks, providing supervision and coaching to Prep Cooks and working alongside them to execute meal preparation, service and clean-up. Must be organized, positive and detailed. The Panty Cook works with the Head Baker to make desserts for lunch and dinner and cover the Head Baker when they are on a day off. In addition, the Pantry Cook is part of our Kitchen Supervisor Team, which meets weekly to discuss how the kitchen is running, support one another and share in supporting our Prep Cooks. Live in shared, rustic staff housing.
Head Baker
(1 position: $6210, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9) The Head Baker is responsible for all baked goods coming out of the Tawonga Kitchen, which includes (but is not limited to): breakfast breads such as coffee cake and banana bread, preparing bowls of fruit for lunch dessert, preparing and baking dinner dessert for all of camp, challah for weekly shabbat dinner and specialty items at various points of the summer. The Head Baker will be scheduled six days of the week, with mostly AM shift start times. Shifts can contain assigned Prep Cooks (1-2 people) and the Head Baker’s role includes tone setting, time management, assigning tasks to Prep Cooks, providing supervision and coaching to Prep Cooks and working alongside them to execute baking production and clean-up. The Head Baker works with the Pantry Cook to collaborate on sharing the Bakery space, as well as covering one another on days off. In addition, the Head Baker is part of our Kitchen Supervisor Team, which meets weekly to discuss how the kitchen is running, support one another and share in supporting our Prep Cooks. Live in shared, rustic staff housing.
Health & Wellbeing Supervisors
Head Nurse
(1 position: $16,260, more Depending on Experience. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9 with some pre-work, paid hourly, preferred before summer.) Supervise all aspects of Health Center operations including providing excellent patient care to staff (mostly college-age) and campers (7-17), maintaining health records, working with volunteer MDs and other Camp professions, supervising the Health Center team (four Health Techs and a nurse), calling parents and other responsibilities associated with the Health Center. Pediatric, ER, and/or camp experience helpful. Previous supervision experience is preferred. RN required, WFR or other wilderness medicine degree or certificate is recommended.
(1 position: $10,840. Dates for this position are May 22– August 9.) Work with the Head Nurse to run smooth operations in the Health Center. This includes providing excellent patient care to staff (mostly college-age) and campers (7-17), maintaining health records, working with volunteer MDs and other Camp professions, supervising two-three Health Technicians, calling parents and other responsibilities associated with the Health Center. Pediatric, ER, and/or camp experience helpful but not required. RN is required, WFR recommended.
Camp Therapist or Intern Camp Therapist
(2 – 3 positions: $550/week for interns, $700/week for licensed therapists, more DOE. Dates for this position are May 28 – August 9 (or some portion of that time).) Must have an MA in Counseling or Social Work and half of supervised hours. Consult with Directors, Supervisors, and counselors regarding challenging camper situations. See individual campers for assessment and short-term individual support. Assist staff with situations that affect work performance or morale. Call parents as needed. Possibility to earn supervised hours.
Operations Supervisors
Head of Transportation
(1 position $4700 more DOE. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9.) Manage a small team of drivers and all scheduling and logistics of the transportation department. Must have demonstrated skill and strength in logistical challenges and be detail-oriented. Ensure safety, conduct regular vehicle maintenance, and report any vehicle damages. Live in shared, rustic staff housing. Must be at least 21 years old and have an excellent driving record. Experience and comfort driving on mountain roads and driving with trailers preferred.
Head of Maintenance
(3 positions: $4700. Dates for this position are May 22 – August 9) Responsibilities include supervising the maintenance crew and assisting the Buildings & Grounds Crew as needed with grounds-keeping, janitorial and housekeeping needs. Lead shifts teaching and role modeling safety, professionalism and strong work ethic while doing physical work. Assist with camp-wide recycling efforts. Coordinate the unloading and loading of camper luggage on arrival and departure. Live in shared, rustic staff housing. Option available to continue through October on hourly wage helping with Family Camps and offseason projects.
Office Manager