Bay Area Programs Coordinator
Miriam Feiner
Miriam has loved Tawonga since her first year as a camper in 1991. Her five years as a summer staffer were equally transformative, and included roles as Counselor, Unit Head and Assistant Kitchen Manager. She has a background in environmental and garden education, including working for the City of San Francisco’s Department of the Environment, as well as running a school garden in Bayview-Hunters Point and working with Berkeley Unified School District’s Cooking and Gardening Program. She attended Culinary School in 2015 and worked as the Culinary Program Director for a startup. Miriam graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in Human and Organizational Development and is excited to bring her love of logistics to the year round team. Miriam lives in Oakland with her partner Bradley and their dog Clove. She loves singing, learning to ID new plants while hiking (especially edible ones) and creatively repurposing leftover food into delicious new meals.