Session 2

End-of-Session Traditions

Session 2 and 2b campers as well as our SCITs have been living up their last few days at Camp with lots of bunk activities, exciting all-Camp programs and bonding moments.

Last night was jam-packed with awesome entertainment for campers, as they went from the all-Camp production into the all-Camp party. The all-Camp production is an opportunity for campers to express their creativity and explore new talents. This year’s production, written specifically for the campers, was called “Romeo and Romi”, and involved campers from all age groups with theatrical flair. The audience loved the goofy and inventive story, and there was even a cast party afterwards!

Following the play, campers raced eagerly to the all-Camp Carnival for a night of all-out silliness and fun. There were loads of stations to try, including a dance party, photo booth, ice cream sundaes,  plenty of games and a goat bah mitzvah for our three baby goats, officiated by campers and our farm and garden staff. One ever-popular station at Carnival provides campers the opportunity to peg wet sponges at their willing counselors – just one example of staff going above and beyond for their kids!

“I loved the goat bah mitzvah! Definitely a highlight of the session,” said a B-2 camper.  

Tonight, campers were in for a treat with another end-of-session tradition: the last night of the session Banquet! We feasted on roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans while sipping apple cider for an elevated dining experience! And for dessert? Pumpkin pie! 

Then, at closing campfires tonight, campers had a chance to reflect on their time here at Tawonga and celebrate all the joy and growth they’ve shared. One sweet Tawonga tradition is memory sheets; all members of a bunk contribute to this compilation of favorite memories, inside jokes and silly quotes, and everyone gets a sheet to take home. At the closing unit gatherings tomorrow morning, campers will get to share some of these memories with their unit, and thank the counselors and other staff who’ve supported them through their Tawonga journey.

It’s bittersweet that tomorrow we’ll be ushering in the end of a wonderful Session 2, 2b and our SCIT program this summer. These campers have shared so many special moments here; throughout Camp we’ve seen kids bonding and sharing, as well as challenging and supporting each other. It’s such a privilege to witness them building lasting friendships and strengthening their self-esteem within our loving Jewish community. 

Though we’re sad to see the end of the session, we’re already looking forward to seeing everyone next year!