Reunite with fellow campers from the past summer, participate in fun activities and games led by Tawonga staff, and enjoy Session III and IV New Family Orientation
Sunday, April 17 | 2-3:30pm
Calling all new campers and their families from Session III and IV! Join us for a New Family Orientation just for Session III and IV parents and campers (siblings welcome too)! New Family Orientation is a great opportunity to meet one of our talented directors, dedicated camp staff, and other campers and their families from your area. We’ll begin the orientation with everyone together, then kids will go off with fun camp staff to play get to know you games, make new friends, learn about a day-in-the-life of a camper, and get all their questions answered while parents have a Q&A with a Tawonga Director. We highly encourage all new families to attend one of the orientations. If you can’t make it to your session’s orientation, join another one. We are offering six this year. Click here to find out more.