What Does A Taste of Camp Taste Like?

It’s hard to believe A Taste of Camp is already at the halfway point. In a short amount of time, the kids have experienced so much– from day hikes to arts & crafts, gardening to frog catching, campers truly do get a taste of everything Camp has to offer. But what does A Taste of Camp actually taste like? We asked a few campers today what their favorite activities were. Here is what they had to say:


“My favorite part of camp is archery, I almost hit a bullseye yesterday!”

-Zev from B-1

“I just love Tawonga”

-Ari from B-1

“I like to play all the sports”

-Miles from B-2

“Water painting by the lake was my favorite part so far”

-Kevin from B-2

“Swimming in the pool and Ruach Hour!”

-All of G-7

“Searching for frogs by the lake”

A few members of G-5

“Swimming in the pool and Floats!”

-Abby from G-10a

“Hanging out with the animals at The Farm and going on hikes”

-The girls from G-3

This is just a small sampling of the wide range of flavors Tawonga offers during daily activities. Each day, no matter the activity, campers are meant to feel and experience the Mission: Positive Self-Esteem & Self-Image, Creating a Cooperative Community, Tikkun Olam – A Partnership With Nature and Spirituality & Positive Jewish Identification.  


See you for even more tomorrow!