Session 3a


When campers say Tawonga is their “home away from home” – it’s more than just a saying. Session 3/3a is our biggest camper pool of the summer, and the vast majority are returners who have been waiting all year to get back to their happy place.

As a result, it was no surprise that when these campers hopped off the buses on Sunday, it was pure magic: friends reuniting, hugs all around and so much excitement for the weeks to come! Veterans welcomed newcomers with open arms, eager to show their new bunkmates the ropes of Camp T. 

Our youngest campers in the unit of Nitzanim (Session 3a) are at Camp for two weeks while our older campers in Session 3 are here for three. This session, we have two units for our oldest campers (Chalutzim), many of whom have been coming to camp for nearly a decade. 

With numerous summers under their belts and Tawonga memories close to their hearts, Chalutz was more than enthusiastic to answer the question: Why is Camp Tawonga a second home to you? Here’s what some of them had to say:

Adayah, G-12: “Tawonga is like a second home because your friends sort of become your second family, and everyone gets really bonded. It’s very community-oriented.”

Ben, B-12: “I really love Camp Tawonga because it brings together two of my favorite things: summer camp and other Jewish people. It’s so awesome; it’s really lovely.”

Miriam, G-12: “Tawonga is my second home because I feel like the friendships I make here are stronger than the ones I make at home. These are forever.”

At Camp, we love to sing “Friends, Friends, Friends” – for good reason! These Camp friendships are part of what makes Tawonga feel like home, because they’re fostered in an inclusive and positive environment.

Being a part of a bunk is sacred at Camp and central to fostering these bonds. Here at Tawonga, your bunk is your family! Every camper lives in a bunk with other similar-aged campers, as well as two bunk counselors. Unit counselors, unit heads and specialists also join bunks for different activities and meals throughout the session.

The bunk unit is core to Tawonga’s group-centered philosophy and how we live in a cooperative community together. At some camps, kids choose what activities to join on their own, but here, bunks not only live and eat together — they join activities together too! Being a part of the bunk unit helps every camper feel a sense of community and belonging at Camp from day one.

This sense of belonging and community trust nurtures lifelong friendships – connections that keep Tawongans coming back summer after summer. We are so excited for the session ahead and for these campers to experience the transformative power of immersing in nature, free from everyday pressures, enveloped in our loving Jewish community!

Below, have a look at the “Tawonga Tidbit” for some more fun Camp facts from the day. 

P.S. In case you’re just tuning in for the first time this season, please note that we will be posting updates to the blog here about twice a week for our entire community. Parents and guardians of campers currently in session can also access more photos and updates through the Campanion app or CampInTouch.