Session 2

Shabbat Shalom, Session 2!

Greetings from Camp T, where we just wrapped up celebrating a joyous Shabbat! Yesterday was jam-packed, between saying goodbye to our youngest campers from Session 2a and welcoming the sabbath with our older campers in Session 2. We miss Session 2a already. It was so much fun watching our Nitzanim campers experience mission moments and create lasting bonds with their bunkmates over the past two weeks. 

Yesterday, Session 2 campers continued with busy Camp programming — splashing in the pool, chilling under the Willows and shooting hoops during Floats until Shabbat Prep time rolled around. With two weeks under their belt, Session 2 is feeling right at home at Camp and with their bunks!

At Camp Tawonga, Shabbat is the best night of the week. We set aside time to wash off the dirt, put on special clothes and join hands and voices to commemorate a day of rest. Our community takes a break from bunk-centered programming and comes together for an evening of togetherness, a spirit that continues into Saturday’s Shabbat activities. 

This was the second Shabbat with Session 2, and the energy was high, from our Shabbat Stroll to Freilach (extended Shabbat song session) to Kabbalat Shabbat Services. Our campers represent a range of Jewish affiliation, from those who celebrate Shabbat every week to those who have never said the Motzi or Birkat Hamazon before coming to Camp. Shabbat is a beautiful way for campers to connect to Judaism in ways that feel fun, festive and meaningful. 

The relaxation and good vibes carried into Saturday, kicked off at a sleep-in bagel breakfast this morning, where campers started off their day at a leisurely pace and with yummy food. Morning Torah services were a beautiful culmination of spirituality and community togetherness under the gorgeous, tall trees that shade Makom Shalom, our outdoor sanctuary that means Place of Peace. Shabbat Floats and rotations were a hit among campers in the mood for some light-hearted fun with friends and learning more about Judaism through our Jewish Programmer’s shabbat activities.

The fun continued through BBQ— always a camper-favorite every Saturday night here — right into the epic Camp talent show and calming Havdalah service to close out Shabbat. Talent show acts included renditions of Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie” and Aretha Franklin’s “Respect,” to name a few, along with some bunk skits and plenty of jokes!

It’s been another awesome week with Session 2, and we’re excited to make the most of our last week with this incredible bunch!