Legacy Society

Tawonga Legacy Society Members are individuals or families who have made an investment to ensure that children in the future will have a Tawonga that is as strong and impactful as it is for children today.

Please join in ensuring a vibrant future for Camp by making a gift in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy today. Your generosity will benefit generations of Tawonga campers and staff and the Jewish community as a whole.

Become a Tawonga Legacy Society Member

To join, simply fill out and sign the Letter of Intent form.

If you have already named Camp Tawonga in your will or estate plan, please let us know so we can welcome you to our Legacy Society.

List of Members

Members represent an endowment fund of more than $10,000 and/or have made a bequest or planned gift in their estate plans.

Adam Alcabes Steve Gershik Ken* & Felicia Kramarz Norman Schlossberg
Anonymous Melinna Askin Gershik Marilyn* & Steve Lazar Renee Samson
Ari A. Baruth Jordan Gill Jessica Leo Randall Schwartz
Adam Berman Len Goldberg Josh Leslie Larissa (Lara) Siegel
Jen & Jon Boxerman Nicole Goldstein Roger M. Low Lori Silverstein
Gabrielle Bressack Ann Gonski* & John Scott Aaron Mandel Stella Sedletskaya
Barbara & Lawrence* Cahn Norm* & Squeek Grabstein* Rebecca L. Meyer Libby & Frank Silver
Steve Catechi Richard Grabstein & Harriette Unger Sydney Mintz Jamie Simon
Jessica Chizen Jeff Greendorfer Eva & Ernest Newbrun Katelyn Rose Simons
Heather Robert Coffman & David E. Coffman Harold Grinspoon Joyce Newstat Ben Simrin
Eleanor* & Ralph* Coffman Rabbi Sholom Groesberg* Barbara Niss Nora Smith
Cohen Family Robert Heller* Erick Ordin & Miriam Marx Ordin Diane Stern & Alejandro Quintana
Jessica Colvin Rachael Henderson Elise Peck Judy Stern & Dan Mihalovich
Kenneth* & Thelma Colvin* Jed Herman Brian Permutt Melanie Wartenberg
Ashley & Jamie Costello Sheila & Ned Himmel Avi & Sarah Perna Sharon & Joshua Weinberg
Ilana Drummond Yeva Johnson & Michael Potter Caitlin Quinn Adam Weisberg
Daniel Edelson Ryley and Jason Katz Eric Raznick & Tracey Erwin Marilyn* & Raymond Weisberg*
Susan & Bill Epstein Nina Kaufman & Dan Kaplan Sue Reinhold & Deborah Newbrun Lisa & Matthew Wertheim
Denise Feinsod Gene & Susan Kaufman Monica Pallie Rocchino Brian Wise
Philip & Lisa Feldman Rachael Kirk-Cortez Saul & Barbara Rockman Harold & Mary Zlot
Michael & Anna Fogelman Joseph & Leslie Kleitman Gregg Ivan Bernell Rubenstein
Darin Freitag Michelle & Sue Kletter John F. Sampson

*Of blessed memory

Commonly Asked Questions

How much does it cost me now to become a Legacy Society Member?

By including Tawonga in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy, you can make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime. You can make a gift of any amount that suits your financial needs. We’re ready to work with you and your advisors to craft a gift plan that best meets your goals and objectives.

What is a Letter of Intent?

A Letter of Intent acknowledges your pledge to include Camp Tawonga in your estate plan and announces your commitment to your family and the community. By signing, you will join other dedicated members of our community who deeply value the impact that camp makes in the lives of children.

What will my money go to?

You can designate your gift any way you choose, or you may decide to leave your gift to Tawonga’s General Endowment Fund.

Your gift could:

  • Make financial aid available to a growing number of families, ensuring access to camp to children and families of all means.
  • Create opportunities for program development and expansion during the summer and throughout the year
  • Ensure the upkeep, maintenance and expansion of Camp’s buildings and grounds, from building new camper cabins to stewarding our forested land.
  • Provide resources for the “greening” of Camp, from the energy we consume to the building materials we use and the food we serve.

Tawonga’s Book of Life

Tawonga’s Book of Life is an online collection of stories from Tawongans who hold camp dearly in their hearts and who have planned to make a legacy gift to provide for Camp’s most critical needs. The stories express the influence that camp has had on their lives or the lives of loved ones and illustrate our community’s commitment to children now and in future generations.

Write Your Own Story

Write your own story to be in the Tawonga Book of Life

If you are a Legacy Society Member, we invite you to write your own testimonial – a short statement that captures your history, experiences, values, or other reasons for your legacy gift.

Each story will become a page in the Tawonga Book of Life that may appear on our website, newsletters and in printed materials with your approval. To write a story for the Tawonga Book of Life, share a little bit about yourself, your family, or philosophy, and describe how Tawonga is meaningful for you.

Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

  • Read the questions below and think about what might resonate with you for your story.
    • What is most significant to you about Camp?
    • How has Camp shaped and influenced your life or a family member’s life or Jewish identity?
    • How would you like to be remembered?
    • What are your hopes for the future of Camp or the Jewish people?
    • Why did you choose to make this legacy gift commitment and what do you hope to accomplish with it?
    • Include anything else you would like to mention.
  • Brainstorm all of your ideas and influences. There is no required formula or guidelines for the type of material you may want to include in your entry.
  • There is no required minimum or length of for your Book of Life entry, but be succinct to tell your story effectively.
  • Select one to three photographs (portrait, family, or picture of you at camp) to be displayed on your page. You can send it digitally via email or mail a photo for us to scan and we will return it to you.
  • Submit your statement and send your photograph(s) to Mollie Breger at mollie@tawonga.org or send to: Camp Tawonga, 131 Steuart Street, Ste. 460, San Francisco, CA 94105.
  • If you need any assistance, please contact Mollie Breger at (415) 543-2267.

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