We Welcome You to Camp Tawonga!
Buses filled with campers arrived at Camp Tawonga today marking the beginning of Session II. Campers got off the buses to much fanfare as they were greeted by the counselors singing, “We Welcome You To Camp Tawonga” with tons of ruach and energy. We got started right away with directors reading off the names in each cabin. After playing a few name games and icebreakers, everyone went on short havurah hikes around Camp, learning how to identify the key places around Camp like the Dining Hall and the Health Center. Right now, all of the campers are in the Dining Hall enjoying a delicious dinner, to be followed by a spirited song session. Then comes the opening campfire when each cabin gets on stage to introduce themselves and perform a one minute skit for all of Camp.
Today was a very exciting day as there is so much to look forward in the coming two weeks. Here is a collection of photos from today. Enjoy!