📻 Journeys to Tawonga: Ken Kramarz

Welcome to “Journeys to Tawonga,” a series of brief conversations about how different people stumble upon Camp in nonconventional ways – and the impact it makes on their lives.

In this first journey, former Tawonga Executive Director and current Tawonga Institute Director, Ken Kramarz, shares how his entire life changed after the summer of 1981 when he worked as a Tawonga Unit Head. “It was a total antidote to everything I had experienced.” He quit his job as an attorney in Los Angeles and went on to lead Camp Tawonga for 30 years. Enjoy!



P.S. Ken is full of amazing and historic facts about Camp. Check out his blog post about the meaning behind the word “Tawonga.”

P.P.S. In case you missed our last Tawonga Radio story, “From Tawonga Kitchen Staff to Culinary Entrepreneur,” listen here! Emmett Verba shares the moment Tawonga inspired his love of cooking and his inventive meal delivery business, Emmett Cooks. Hope you enjoy this audio story by Aaron Mandel!