Backpacking Highlights

Today, the bunks from Galil (3s and 4s) as well as G-1 and G-2 returned safe and sound from their backpacking trips!


While G-1 unpacked all of their gear together, one camper shared her favorite moment from the overnight:

I loved the satisfaction of getting there. There were waterfalls and plants and it was just all so beautiful!

A camper from B-4 shared:

There were a lot of highlights. Finally getting to take off my backpack and getting to look at the stars was definitely one of them.


Meanwhile, the unit of Haifa spent the morning at Arts & Crafts preparing for the Haiformation World Tour tonight, which was described by the campers as a festival that should reach Coachella standards. Wow! This Haifa program will be full of dancing, singing, face painting, games and much more.


Also today, Chalutzim campers took part in a range of activities, from iron chef and jazzercise to a high energy dodge ball tournament against staff. How fun is Camp??


Enjoy some shots below. G-4’s bunk photo is coming tonight!