Exciting First Full Day of Camp (And Session A Bunk Photos!)
The first full day of Session A was a HUGE success! After breakfast, campers started their day with rotations, which are designed to introduce campers and teens to the many activities at Camp, and to the wonderful staff who lead them. Campers visited the garden, swam in the pool, learned about Jewish programming opportunities, danced together on the lawn during song session and visited Arts and Crafts (known as “A and C”) – among other stops around Camp’s property.
The way campers experience Tawonga – including during those rotations – follows an intentional group-focused philosophy. Each camper belongs to a bunk with 11 other campers, as well as two dedicated bunk counselors and one unit counselor to support and guide the campers.
Campers do almost everything together: live in the cabin, eat meals, participate in activities and bond as a bunk. During the session, campers will also have the opportunity to individually choose what activities to join when it’s time for “Floats,” helping them to explore their independence.
In addition, all campers and counselors are supported by unit heads who coordinate and lead their unit in community-building activities. Today, as campers tried new activities, they continued bonding with their bunkmates. It’s amazing to see how the campers are already feeling more comfortable at Tawonga, getting to know each other and supporting one another as everyone adjusts to living in community.
Tonight campers spent time getting to know their units (a grouping of four to five bunks). Fun fact: We have 25 total bunks in Session A, plus the SCITs.
P.S. Due to PG&E routine maintenance tomorrow, there is a chance we will not be able to publish the next blog until tomorrow evening. Apologies for the inconvenience if that is the case!
Photos: Session A Bunk & SCIT Pictures!
Click on any picture to enlarge and see captions (the arrows to navigate have a glitch, we will fix asap!)

More Pictures from Today