Session 3
Session 3

Campers Report on Session 3 + 3a

Sessions 3 and 3a are going swimmingly! Half way through Session 3 and wrapping up Session 3a, we are reaching a...

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Session 3

The Schvitz: Moments of Awe and Connection

One of the most beloved summer traditions at Camp is The Schvitz – our rustic, outdoor steam sauna located near Pipeline...

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Session 3

Welcome Session 3 + 3a

On Sunday, we had the pleasure of welcoming our session 3 and 3a campers with songs, energy and, of course, ruach...

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Session 2

2024 Staff Training Week

The secret sauce of Camp Tawonga is our amazing summer staff, and last Sunday, we welcomed the 2024 summer team for Staff...

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Tawonga News

🎥 Meet the Directors!

Tawonga’s 2024 summer season is finally upon us, and we can’t wait for the first session, A Taste of Camp, to begin on...

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Session 3

Getting Creative with Jewish Programming

More than just a summer camp, Camp Tawonga is a place where kids can immerse themselves in meaningful programming that...

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Session 3

A Morning in Tawonga’s Kitchen

Day in and day out, the Tawonga Kitchen churns out delicious, nutritious meals for our entire community Unlike a lot of...

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Session 3

Shabbat Unity

Session 3/3a has now spent a full week at Tawonga, enjoying creative programming, bunk bonding and moments of self...

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Session 3


When campers say Tawonga is their “home away from home” – it’s more than just a saying Session 3/3a is our biggest...

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A Taste of Camp

A Peek Into 2023 Staff Training

The key to the magic of Tawonga is our amazing summer staff, and we’re excited to give you a peek into this past week of...

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