Fourth of July, Tawonga Style

In honor of July 4th, today marked our first all-Camp program of the summer. All-Camp programs are designed for every kid in Camp, from the youngest to the oldest, to have fun together featuring creative activities and rotations centered around a defining theme or goal. Today, the campers gathered at the stage where they were introduced to the narrative: Old Man Pumpernickel, a crotchety old man, claimed to own the deed to Tawonga’s property. The campers were tasked, by Benjamin Franklin with words from the Declaration of Independence of course, to work together to change Pumpernickel’s mind and keep Tawonga the fun and supportive community we know and love. 


There were three rotations focused on building and celebrating community. At Arts & Crafts, each bunk painted a plaque that when put together with the others made a large, beautiful mural. Another rotation was at the Garden where campers made smoothies, working together to figure out what ratio of each ingredient to put in the blender. Compromise was the name of the game for this rotation in order to make the tastiest smoothie. Of course, every batch was delicious, and the campers learned how to make something great together. The third rotation was a massive game of capture the flag where the campers vied against the counselors; a light simulation for the American Revolutionary War and an incredibly fun game.


After the rotations were over, everyone got to go to the pool for Free Swim for a Fourth of July pool party with music and dancing.


Each rotation is more than just pure fun– the aspects of teamwork, community building and cooperation that each rotation featured are central tenants to our Mission & Philosophy.


Check out some pics from the day below!