5 Things Campers Love Most About Camp Tawonga

When asking Session III campers what they love most about Camp Tawonga, there were a couple of recurring answers that really emphasize the collective love we have and feel at Camp. Here are five quotes that allowed the campers to explain it in their own words:

  1. All of the people here at Camp like bunkmates and counselors. I’ve had the same friends for four years here and I know we’ll be friends forever.

  2. Bonding activities we do throughout the session like the backpacking trip, gnarly, hiking and fun things like that.

  3. The community, the friendship and the fun!

  4. The challenge course because you have to learn how to trust people.

  5. Being in a place where I can fully be myself.

For staff and campers alike, Tawonga is a safe space to truly be yourself and create friendships that can last a lifetime. Enjoy the pictures from today and we will see you tomorrow!


P.S. For anyone who missed it on our Facebook today, check out this special show Session III campers got from our incredibly talented maintenance supervisor, Jeremy Baker!