Say Hello to Session IV!

Camp Tawonga subscribes to a unique “bunk centered” philosophy; cabins spend about 90% of their time at Camp together, doing activities as a group as opposed to individually (in addition to eating meals together and living together in a bunk).


This structure fosters a strong bunk bond, promoting consensus-based decision making and cooperation within the group. Many campers and former campers describe the time they spent with their bunkmates as powerful and transformative – a time when they made lifelong friends and grew as individuals as well as a larger group.


Cabins are typically arranged by gender identity, age and grade. Camp Tawonga has always been and continues to be on the cutting edge of fostering positive identity for our campers. As such, for the first time ever during Session IV, Tawonga is offering an all-gender bunk to children who identify as gender non-binary, or for anyone who just feels more comfortable in a mixed gender setting. We are proud to be able to break down gender stereotypes here at Tawonga, and this all-gender cabin is just one way that we encourage campers and staff to just be themselves and not feel the necessity to conform to any stereotypes that they may feel restricted by back home.


This morning, every unit participated in “rotations” where specialists from our Programming department, Arts & Crafts, Jewish Programming and Waterfront shared what they are offering this session with the kids. Based on what the campers hear, they discuss as a group how they would like to structure their bunk schedule. Then, counselors make a unique and personalized schedule for each cabin. The Health Center staff and therapists also had a chance to share ways that campers can stay happy and healthy during their  two-and-half week session.


Check back in later tonight and all session long for more Session IV fun!


Enjoy photos, some smiling and others silly, of Session IV bunks.