Teen Leadership Institute
Community building, leadership development and outdoor adventures
July 11 – August 3, 2025
The adventure begins in Portland, Oregon and ends at Tawonga!
Rising 11th graders (current 10th graders)
Program Overview
Teen Leadership Institute (TLI) is a Tawonga adventure like no other! We bring the mission of Camp Tawonga to life – exploring what it means to be a leader, challenging ourselves in new and exciting ways, all while building community and contributing to the world around us. Teens will spend two weeks traveling from Portland, Oregon to the Sierra Mountains, culminating with a fun week on site at Camp Tawonga. Whether a seasoned Tawongan or brand new to our community, this program will create lifelong friendships, memories, and skills in beautiful settings along the Northwest and Sierras.
How To Apply
2025 Applicants:
TLI Campers must apply and interview in order to be accepted into the program. Campers interested in TLI should follow the steps bellow:
- Make sure your parent or guardian registers you through their Camp InTouch account, just like they would for any other Tawonga program. You will be automatically put on the waitlist until you go through the remaining steps.
- Complete the online TLI Program Application. This application should be completed after registering and will also be sent by email at that time.
- Sign up for an interview. The link to sign up for an interview will also be sent to you once registered. Please do not schedule an interview until you have completed the application above. Interviews are conducted virtually over Zoom and generally take about 30 minutes.
- Complete TLI Camper Interview
When you register for the TLI program the system will automatically change your status to “waitlist”. All applicants are placed on a waitlist until they have successfully completed their application, interview and been accepted into the program. We will be holding TLI interviews through the end of the year and make acceptance announcements on January 10th.

More Details About the Program
Our work together in the TLI program is collaborative, inspiring and challenging. Participants should be ready to push themselves, both physically and intellectually, to get the most out of the program. While every day is a new adventure, participants can count on each day including leadership development, thoughtful conversations, and community building.
During the majority of the program, participants will get to stay in college dorms including but not limited to Portland State University and Oregon State University – Cascades. This is a perfect opportunity for rising 11th graders to experience what college living might be like.
Week One: Portland
Teens Fly into Portland on Friday, July 11th
This week focuses on building our traveling community with four days of hands-on service projects. We partner with Tivnu: Building Justice, a Jewish social justice gap year program, working with organizations that support and serve homeless communities. We’ll also go on food truck tours of Portland, have song sessions in the park and create our own teen-led Shabbat.
Week Two: Eastern Oregon to Central California
Drive South, adventures along the way
This is our week of travel and adventure, engaging in outdoor thrills including mountain biking, rock climbing, and a two-day white water rafting adventure with a night of camping under the stars! We will wrap our travel week camping in the Sierras and challenging ourselves with an extended “solo sit” among the trees.
Week Three: Tawonga
Arrive at Tawonga!
TLI comes home and gets to stay in our new Teen Village! Along with Tawonga classics like Gnarly, Arts and Crafts, Challenge Course, Shabbat and time at the Tuolumne River, participants will learn about the land of Tawonga from Miwok teachers and spend time supporting Tawonga with land stewardship and service projects.
2025 TLI FAQs
Why is TLI a travel program and only at Camp Tawonga for one week?
Teen Leadership Institute (TLI) is a bridge between the traditional Tawonga camper experience and 12th grade staff in-training program. We have found that a rising 11th grade program positioned solely at Camp is not sufficiently differentiated from the camper experience. This unique program enables teens to take the Tawonga mission on the road and then return to Camp to give back as leaders. Tawonga’s values are infused into TLI from the first moment of the program until campers get on the bus to head home. The format of TLI differentiates more fully between the camper experience, when the mission is being created for campers by staff, and the SCIT experience, where teens help create the mission for campers.
How is this program different from a quest?
This program is geared toward older teens and combines elements of travel, adventure and leadership. While the travel component of TLI looks similar to a quest because it’s on the road for the first two weeks, it also includes extensive service projects with meaningful impact, leadership training, and outdoor adventures. This format is more similar to how we have successfully done teen programs, historically, through our Teen Service Learning model.
Does my teen need to complete an application to participate in TLI?
Yes – because of the higher physical and social emotional demands of TLI, TLI Campers must apply and interview for the program to set expectations, make sure it is a good fit and set them up for success. Campers interested in TLI should follow the steps bellow:
- Make sure your parent or guardian registers you through their Camp-In-Touch account, just like they would for any other Tawonga program. You will be automatically put on the waitlist until you go through the remaining steps.
- Complete the online TLI Program Application. We will email all registered teens and their families the application at that time.
- Sign up for an interview. The link to sign up for an interview is in the application and will also be sent to you once the application is completed. Interviews are conducted virtually over Zoom and generally take about 30 minutes.
- Complete TLI Camper Interview
When you register for the TLI program the system will automatically change your status to “waitlist”. All applicants are placed on a waitlist until we make final program decisions by mid January.
What does an average day look like?
For the first two weeks we will be staying in college dorms, eating breakfasts and dinners in the university dining halls, and having evening social time in a communal meeting space. Most days will be scheduled from 9AM – 3PM with either Tawonga-led programs, service projects, or outdoor adventures with professional outfitters. Later afternoons typically include two hours of “float” time for showers, rest, optional activities, and just hanging out. After dinner we will gather in our traveling cabin groups, called “havurah“. The final week at Camp will very much resemble the usual Tawonga schedule of two programmatic blocks after each meal.
Is there an opportunity to gain service hours through participation in TLI?
Yes, TLI campers will complete between 15-20 service hours over the course of TLI. Tawonga is happy to provide documentation of the completion of those hours at the close of the program.
How will Tawonga accommodate all genders?
We will consider all gender lodging options, based on interest. Some lodging for teen programs will be all gender for all teens, such as our group campgrounds with close adult supervision.
Will Tawonga maintain the tech-free policy during TLI?
Yes. The program will be tech-free. No cell phones, internet, or screens will be allowed during this program.
How will staff oversight work for this program? How will you create and maintain behavior expectations?
We will have amazing and experienced staff leading this program! They will travel with the teens and live with them in community over the three weeks they are together, and will be in regular communication with our at-camp directors. The staff will receive additional training on teen mental health, building community and the leadership curriculum. The staff will do daily check-ins with the teens and have close supervision of the group.
Teens will be expected to sign a behavior agreement prior to participating in TLI, and all teens and their families will be required to attend a Town Hall prior to the program that will outline behavior expectations and consequences. During the first week of the program, we will engage in community and individual expectation setting. Once expectations are set, we will expect teens to fully uphold our community agreements, and will follow strict behavior guidelines and consequences in response to behavior outside of our agreements.
How will teens access the Rainbow Lounge (therapist support) while on the road?
Campers will have the opportunity to have one to two phone calls with a camp therapist or their own at-home therapist while on the road. The Rainbow Lounge will also be available to teens, once they arrive at Camp for the last eight days of the program. If a teen needs an exception for more regular support, we can consider this in an individual conversation with your family. The staff traveling with the teens will have training in teen mental health and skills to support on a day to day basis.
How will the group travel?
Teens will be on a group flight, accompanied by Tawonga staff, from the Bay Area to Portland. In Portland we will get around in rented vans. From Portland to Tawonga our group will travel in a 56-passenger motor coach, much like the buses we take to Tawonga each session.
What are TLI accommodations?
Lodging for the TLI teens and staff will be a combination college dorms, one to three nights of camping, and the final week in our new Teen Village cabins.
Will there be a backpacking trip during TLI?
No. Teens will have many other fun outdoor adventures but there is not a backpacking component of this program.
Teen Testimonials
I love Tawonga and loved being a camper, and this program was the perfect next step.
TLI was an amazing, eye-opening experience that I’m so glad I applied for. It was so educational and super fun at the same time.
I loved being able to give back to the place I love so much.
I will recommend TLI to everyone who is a year younger than me. Literally everyone.
This was a fantastic experience that made me realize how much I want to keep returning to Camp T.
Check Out TLI on the Blog
Read how TLI teens gave back to Tawonga by “tikkuning” (repairing) an area of Camp called the Freedom Forest.
Please contact Assistant Director of Teen Programs and Specialty Areas, Brady Gill if you have questions about the program: brady@tawonga.org or 415.543.2267.