Taste of Camp: Off to a Sweet Start!
Buses rolled down the Tawonga driveway and as their doors opened, hundreds of happy campers ran towards cheering counselors singing the welcome song,
“We welcome you to Camp Tawonga, we’re mighty glad you’re here!”
Upon the campers’ arrival, staff directed girls to the stage and boys to the field where they received their bunk assignments and met their counselors. Campers and counselors played get-to-know-you games, exchanging fun facts with their new buddies as they took a tour of Camp, visiting important buildings like the Dining Hall and the Health Center.
After their tours, known as “havurah hikes,” campers took time to unpack and unwind in their cabins as they participated in more bonding activities, some associated with their bunk themes like G-1: Dancing in the Sun, B-2: Bear Hugs, G-10: Piggies in a Pen and B-10: Tentacles.
The community gathered at the Dining Hall for a nourishing dinner prepared by our fantastic kitchen staff. Songleaders Elan and Evan helped us welcome in the new session of Camp and all the new campers by teaching and singing a summer camp classic, “Country Roads” as campers followed along in their songbooks.
All campers got on stage at the Opening Campfire where each bunk presented a skit corresponding to their bunk theme.
After singing Hashkiveinu and “Friends, Friends, Friends,” campers headed back to their bunks for a bedtime ritual with all their new friends, bunkmates and counselors.
We’re so happy to welcome our Taste of Camp campers to beautiful Camp Tawonga for a week of fun in the sun. Tomorrow brings the first full day of camp activities, stay tuned for more pictures and updates!
Happy Birthday to camper Ravi!
P.S. In case you missed our post on what you can expect from the blog this summer, check it out here.