Tawonga Tidbit

Tawonga Tidbit

Today’s weather: High of 83 , low of 61

Today’s kitchen menu:

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, biscuits, cantaloupe
  • Lunch:  Sloppy Joe’s, fritos, nectarines
  • Dinner: Lasagna with onion, spinach, mushroom, and broccoli with chocolate cookies for dessert!

Vegetarian alternatives are provided for camp meals, in addition to cereal and oatmeal or grits for breakfast, and sun butter & jelly sandwiches during lunch and dinner, plus a salad bar option.

Where the campers are:

  • Challenge Course: B-5 & B-6
  • Day Hike: Haifa Bagel Run to Cloud’s Rest (summiting at 11:45 A.M.!!!)
  • Backpacking: Chalutzim bunks (returning tomorrow)
    • B-9: Rancheria Falls
    • B-10: Ostrander Lake
    • G-9: Chilnualna Falls
    • G-10A: Ten Lakes
    • G-10B: Yosemite Creek

Today’s Birthdays:


Tawonga Tidbit brings you a daily dose of Tawonga with our kitchen menu, camp birthdays, and more. Previously named the Daily Bubble, we hope this series brings you a tidbit closer to camp.