Tawonga Traditions: International Dinner

During Session III, we celebrate the beautiful diversity of our Tawonga community with a beloved tradition known as International Dinner. 


For this dinner, the Kitchen invites all staff who are interested to prepare a dish from another country. The result is a colorful all-Camp buffet with flavors that span the globe!


Campers walk through the Dining Hall as staff members share fun facts about the foods they are serving as well as their origin.


This year’s International Dinner menu featured dishes from 13 countries including France, Greece, Thailand, Korea, Estonia and Mexico!


Approximately 20 staff members (not including kitchen staff) worked over two days to make International Dinner possible for all campers to enjoy a taste of beyond Tawonga. 


Check out photos below from the feast!


And, farther below, see a bonus camper-led photo gallery.



Guest Photographer Gallery by Stella and Lena of G-10

While working on a project with their Livnot known as “Zine Jam,” campers Stella and Lena of G-10 took a photo walk with Julia-Rose, Camp Tawonga’s blogger/photographer, and discussed how they would want to document their Camp experience in the form of a D.I.Y. mini magazine.


Hands, water, wildflowers and friends informed the imagery that they wanted to include in their project. Here’s what Camp looks like from their eyes, working to capture the moments that make up the highlights of their Camp experience. Enjoy and thank you to Stella and Lena for sharing their work!