Tawonga Tidbit

Tawonga Tidbit

Today’s weather: High of 90, low of 66

Today’s kitchen menu:

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, potato bread, and orange slices
  • Lunch: Pita sandwiches with hummus, couscous, Feta cheese, Greek salad, and tzatziki
  • Dinner: Baked parmesan tilapia, brown rice, and broccoli

Vegetarian alternatives are provided for camp meals, in addition to cereal and oatmeal or grits for breakfast, and sun butter & jelly sandwiches during lunch and dinner, plus a salad bar option.

Where the campers are:

  • Day hikes: Galil bunks

Today’s birthdays:

No birthdays in camp today, but we’ve got two tomorrow!

Tawonga Tidbit brings you a daily dose of Tawonga with our kitchen menu, camp birthdays, and more. Previously named the Daily Bubble, we hope this series brings you a tidbit closer to camp.