A Star-Studded Session 3
Session 3 campers are making the most of their last few days at Camp! Last night, we had lots of fun watching the all-Camp production “Six Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse”, which campers have been working on over the last few weeks. It was clear that the cast and crew put their all into the show, and they brought down the house! (Or the Moadone!)
Following the performance, everyone participated in another end-of-session tradition, the all-Camp carnival! There were stations like cornhole, a photobooth (check out some of the photos below), a fortune teller, a dance stage and a Chill Out Zone for those who wanted a calmer space.
Tonight, all of Camp will congregate once more in the Dining Pavilion for a banquet turkey dinner, which is always a camper favorite. After dinner, we’re eagerly anticipating one last joyous, raucous song session, belting our hearts out and dancing in the dusty twilight on the lawn. The songleaders have worked hard all session to serenade campers with favorites old and new, like “Mosquito Song” and “Stacy’s Mom”.
Every evening, campers gather in their bunks to debrief about their days and look forward to what’s to come. In this ritual, called “Stars and Wishes”, everyone has the opportunity to share one highlight of their day, and one thing they’re hoping to achieve in the future. It’s a safe space to reflect on what can be a full-on camp experience, and to share vulnerably amongst friends. Safe to say, many stars have been discovered this session!
After two and a half weeks of bunk bonding, crazy fun blocks and so so many laughs, it’s hard to believe that these campers are going home tomorrow. Each and every one of them is remarkable and has really come into their own this session, whether it was trying a new skill at Arts & Crafts or performing at the Talent Show for the first time. It has especially been a joy to see those who were more timid at the start of the session come out of their shells and embrace their individuality, and in turn be supported by their friends and bunkmates.
Favorite Things at Camp
As an end of session reflection, we asked some campers what their favorite thing about Tawonga is, and they said the following:
The people
The freedom
Shabbat prep
Community and friends…also the songs
The food
Love for animals
“I don’t have a favorite thing I’ve done this summer, because I’ve loved all of it”
A pretty fantastic list! Campers have also been reflecting on Tawonga in general as the Session begins to wrap up – why they love Camp, what they’ve learned here and more. Enjoy!
Camper Quote Roundup
“Camp is the best because all we have to do is have fun with our friends all day.”
“The thing that I learned most about at Camp was how to love and be loved, and I can’t wait to pass that on to my own campers some day.”
“We love this place, we call it our home away from home.”
“Camp Tawonga has shaped who I am as a person, I wouldn’t be the same without it.”
“Tawonga taught me that the best thing I can do is just be myself, and it always works out for the best.”
“I want to thank our counselors for showing us it’s okay to be yourself and be comfortable in your own skin.”
It’s been an absolute privilege to get to know these campers and be part of their Tawonga journey, so thank you to all the families who shared your children with us over these last three weeks – enjoy reuniting with them tomorrow!
And Session 4 – we’ll be ready for you on Sunday!
Check out photos from the last few days of Session 3!