Session 4

Campers Report on Session 4

Camp is quite literally glowing; between the August sunshine, happy camper faces and excitement in the air, camp is...

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Session 4

Shablog: A Friday in the Kitchen

A busy weekend at Camp Tawonga! All of Camp reunited on Friday for a beautiful Shabbat, and the fun continued into...

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Session 4

Welcome to Camp Session 4 & TLI

On Sunday, Session 4 campers and Teen Leadership Institute (TLI) teens rode buses down these “country roads,”...

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Session 3

Camp Director Reflections on Session 3

It’s bittersweet here at Camp, knowing that this was our last night together of this spectacular session What a unique...

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Session 3

Teva Department Spotlight: A Partnership with Nature

Session 3 may be wrapping up this week, but the fun is only ramping up! By tomorrow, all of our campers will have...

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Session 3

Campers Report on Session 3 + 3a

Sessions 3 and 3a are going swimmingly! Half way through Session 3 and wrapping up Session 3a, we are reaching a...

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Session 3

Welcome Session 3 + 3a

On Sunday, we had the pleasure of welcoming our session 3 and 3a campers with songs, energy and, of course, ruach...

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Session 2

End-of-Session Traditions

Session 2 and 2b campers as well as our SCITs have been living up their last few days at Camp with lots of bunk...

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Session 2

Specialist and Counselor-in-Training Spotlight

Greetings from Session 2 and 2b! Since recuperating with a more relaxed schedule throughout Shabbat, campers approached...

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Session 2

Shabbat Shalom, Session 2!

Greetings from Camp T, where we just wrapped up celebrating a joyous Shabbat! Yesterday was jam-packed — between saying...

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